Event Info/New

Cloud Repatriation Workloads Public Cloud Data Costs
- CIOs continue to move workloads back from the public cloud, but their moves represent a refinement of their cloud strategies — not a rejection of the cloud itself. IT leader and former CIO Stanley Mwangi Chege has heard executives complain for years about cloud deployments, citing rapidly escalating costs and data privacy challenges as top reasons for their frustrations. And he has seen some respond by moving workloads from the cloud back to on-premises data centers, a move they feel ... [Read More]

Source: cio.com

Data Fabric Architecture Metadata Management Governance Integration
- Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 Contents What is Data Fabric Architecture? Importance of Data Modeling in Data Fabric Seamless Data Integration Enhance Data Governance Metadata Management Strategies Scalability and Performance Interoperability between Cloud and On-premises Systems Today's businesses must find effective ways to manage and use information. Data fabric architecture has emerged as an innovative solution that addresses the complexity of modern data management. This post will take an in-depth ... [Read More]

Payments Data B2b Operations Ap Pymnts
- Better business-to-business (B2B) payments need to reduce costs, enable scalability, and support data-driven decision-making. Traditionally, the manual processes supporting the accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) function have tied up back-office operations with labor-intensive, error-prone and time-consuming workflows. These incumbent processes often involve repetitive tasks such as data entry, invoice processing, and payment reconciliation, which require substantial human ... [Read More]

Source: pymnts.com

Sales Data Customer Tools Time Teams
- Since the arrival of ChatGPT in late 2022, AI has revolutionized productivity and reshaped how we work.  The impact is equally evident in sales.  AI in sales has led to the rollout of new tools with the addition of AI functionality to existing tools, like HubSpot and Salesforce. However, some salespeople remain hesitant about integrating AI into their own selling processes, including outreach. Why is this the case? And how exactly could salespeople use AI to its fullest extent? In ... [Read More]

Source: learn.g2.com

Christina Seong Data Product Industry Christina Parts
- Meet Versable , the company poised to transform how auto parts manufacturers and retailers manage product data. With a mission to eliminate the chaos of inconsistent and inaccurate product descriptions, founder Christina Seong and her team are leveraging AI technology to automate and streamline data enhancement processes. The results? Enhanced operational efficiency, amplified revenue streams , and transformative impacts across the industry. Today, auto parts descriptions often suffer from ... [Read More]

Data Wan Optimization Network Resources Genai Processing
- As GenAI models used for natural language processing, image generation, and other complex tasks often rely on large datasets that must be transmitted between distributed locations, including data centers and edge devices, WAN optimization is essential for robust deployment of GenAI applications at a scale. WAN optimization can significantly enhance AI acceleration by improving data transfer speeds, reducing latency, and optimizing the use of network resources, thus ensuring faster response ... [Read More]

Customer Businesses Cx Customers Issues Service
- Steps businesses can take to fix the faltering state of CX, ensuring they can build and maintain meaningful relationships with their customers. (CX) for 2024 painted a bleak picture, highlighting a significant and persistent decline in CX quality across U.S. businesses. Leaders across various industries are now weighing in, offering insights and strategies to address the alarming trends identified in the report. As the conversation shifts from diagnosis to action, exploring practical solutions ... [Read More]

Source: cmswire.com

- The global business landscape is evolving quickly, and companies are increasingly leveraging data, artificial intelligence (AI), and automation to maintain a competitive edge. Within this transformative framework, a crucial shift toward hyper-personalization in customer experiences is taking center stage. Driven by consumer demand for tailored services, hyper-personalization is no longer a mere differentiator but a fundamental business strategy essential for customer engagement. Today's ... [Read More]

Data Customer Cdp Party Data Party Platforms
- In an era defined by data privacy concerns, evolving consumer behaviors, and the ongoing deprecation of third-party cookies, enterprises face a pressing need to prioritize first-party data as a strategic asset. And for that reason (and others), marketers and other business leaders need to revisit customer data platforms (CDPs) as a strategic investment. Specialized software platforms that collect and manage customer data from various sources, including online and offline interactions, ... [Read More]

Cdp Data Cdps Customer Space Lot
- Uncover the hype and reality of AI in customer data platforms and why a broader AI framework is essential for maximizing its benefits. AI dominates trade shows, boardrooms and sales conversations. It's mentioned at nearly every event or webinar. With the potential of generative AI and other advanced AI models, the excitement is understandable. Customer data platforms (CDPs) are not immune from this hype and excitement. Since a CDP collects and consolidates customer data from many sources, AI's ... [Read More]

Source: martech.org