Event Info/New

Data Wan Optimization Network Resources Genai Processing
- As GenAI models used for natural language processing, image generation, and other complex tasks often rely on large datasets that must be transmitted between distributed locations, including data centers and edge devices, WAN optimization is essential for robust deployment of GenAI applications at a scale. WAN optimization can significantly enhance AI acceleration by improving data transfer speeds, reducing latency, and optimizing the use of network resources, thus ensuring faster response ... [Read More]

- The global business landscape is evolving quickly, and companies are increasingly leveraging data, artificial intelligence (AI), and automation to maintain a competitive edge. Within this transformative framework, a crucial shift toward hyper-personalization in customer experiences is taking center stage. Driven by consumer demand for tailored services, hyper-personalization is no longer a mere differentiator but a fundamental business strategy essential for customer engagement. Today's ... [Read More]

Customer Businesses Cx Customers Issues Service
- Steps businesses can take to fix the faltering state of CX, ensuring they can build and maintain meaningful relationships with their customers. (CX) for 2024 painted a bleak picture, highlighting a significant and persistent decline in CX quality across U.S. businesses. Leaders across various industries are now weighing in, offering insights and strategies to address the alarming trends identified in the report. As the conversation shifts from diagnosis to action, exploring practical solutions ... [Read More]

Source: cmswire.com

- In our recent State of Martech 2024 report — which is free and now fully ungated — Frans Riemersma and I analyzed a ton of transformation happening across the martech industry, from the AI-powered explosion of the martech landscape to three counterintuitive truths of "composability" in martech stacks . Two of our most important findings, however, were the prioritization and adoption of foundational capabilities that are necessary for marketing to harness the full power of AI: A ... [Read More]

Data Customer Cdp Party Data Party Platforms
- In an era defined by data privacy concerns, evolving consumer behaviors, and the ongoing deprecation of third-party cookies, enterprises face a pressing need to prioritize first-party data as a strategic asset. And for that reason (and others), marketers and other business leaders need to revisit customer data platforms (CDPs) as a strategic investment. Specialized software platforms that collect and manage customer data from various sources, including online and offline interactions, ... [Read More]

- 8 AI-driven Features for MSP software  - DMNews 8 AI-driven Features for MSP software  AI-driven features optimize operational efficiency and enable proactive management, transforming MSP software from reactive to predictive. This article explores eight AI poised to redefine the capabilities of managed service provider software , ranging from predictive maintenance to AI-driven compliance reporting. Equipped with AI, MSPs can enhance system performance, optimize resource allocation, ... [Read More]

Source: dmnews.com

Specialist Companies Martech Apps Platform Specialist Apps
- "How can we effectively harness generative AI in our company stack?" is the single most heard question in conversations, webinars and events today. Our research among 1,500 real-life company stacks over seven years shows that the answer does not lie in predicting the future. The solution lies in applying what has proven successful in the past decades to harness technological innovations: , an important structural phenomenon in martech stacks overlooked for decades. , stack composability remains ... [Read More]

Source: cmswire.com

- User satisfaction is paramount in today's digital business landscape, and enterprises are putting their best foot forward to ensure seamless user experiences across their platforms. However, no matter how much emphasis is placed on user experience through cutting-edge technology, eliminating friction points requires businesses to pay close attention to their authentication mechanism. Yes, user satisfaction begins the moment when a user interacts with a platform, i.e., when they first ... [Read More]

Cloud Capture Ibml Document Ibml Cloud Capture Idp
- Enhancements to cloud-native platform simplify intelligent document processing to capture, process, and manage content ibml, a world leader in mission-critical document processing solutions, introduces transformative changes to its cloud-native intelligent document processing (IDP) platform. By powering ibml Cloud Capture with generative AI and large language models (LLMs), this update simplifies setup and improves out-of-the-box accuracy in classifying and extracting metadata from documents ... [Read More]

Cdp Data Cdps Customer Space Lot
- Uncover the hype and reality of AI in customer data platforms and why a broader AI framework is essential for maximizing its benefits. AI dominates trade shows, boardrooms and sales conversations. It's mentioned at nearly every event or webinar. With the potential of generative AI and other advanced AI models, the excitement is understandable. Customer data platforms (CDPs) are not immune from this hype and excitement. Since a CDP collects and consolidates customer data from many sources, AI's ... [Read More]

Source: martech.org