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Specialist Companies Martech Apps Platform Specialist Apps
- "How can we effectively harness generative AI in our company stack?" is the single most heard question in conversations, webinars and events today. Our research among 1,500 real-life company stacks over seven years shows that the answer does not lie in predicting the future. The solution lies in applying what has proven successful in the past decades to harness technological innovations: , an important structural phenomenon in martech stacks overlooked for decades. , stack composability remains ... [Read More]

Source: cmswire.com

Technology Cio Business Cios Digital Role
- Modern digital leaders have to climb an ever steepening responsibility curve. Successful CIOs embrace this challenge and collaborate with their executive peers to transform the business. The CIO role is in a constant state of flux. What was a thorough set of roles and responsibilities a few years ago is far from adequate today, so the operationally focused CIO of the last decade isn't the digital leader of the future, says Omer Grossman, global CIO at technology specialist CyberArk. ... [Read More]

Source: cio.com

Security Response Automation Orchestration Threat Incident
- Security orchestration and automation enable faster detection and response to security incidents. Continuous monitoring is essential for identifying and responding to threats in real-time. Regular training and simulation exercises equip your security team to handle real-world incidents effectively. SOAR stands for Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response. It helps security teams by integrating various security tools (ensuring compatibility), automating tasks, and streamlining incident ... [Read More]

- 8 AI-driven Features for MSP software  - DMNews 8 AI-driven Features for MSP software  AI-driven features optimize operational efficiency and enable proactive management, transforming MSP software from reactive to predictive. This article explores eight AI poised to redefine the capabilities of managed service provider software , ranging from predictive maintenance to AI-driven compliance reporting. Equipped with AI, MSPs can enhance system performance, optimize resource allocation, ... [Read More]

Source: dmnews.com

Data Cloud Genai Collection Organizations Product
- Enterprises around the world have been eager to adopt GenAI since it burst onto the scene a few years ago. According to NetApp's 2024 Cloud Complexity Report , AI-leading organizations globally are more likely to report benefits from AI, including a 50% increase in production rates, 46% in the automation of routine activities, and a 45% improvement in customer experience. [LD1]   [GG2] Closer to home, enterprises in Asia are also looking to harness benefits from GenAI. The GenAI market in ... [Read More]

Vulnerability Vulnerabilities Security Remediation Management Data
- 63% of organizations suffered cyberattacks due to unpatched vulnerabilities, highlighting a critical issue. However, top-tier companies consistently maintain superior security. How do they do it? Their advantage lies in a robust vulnerability management strategy, anchored by a well-defined vulnerability management lifecycle (VML). Each component within your IT infrastructure, from essential databases to network devices, represents a potential entry point for cyber threats. To counteract ... [Read More]

Cdp Data Cdps Customer Space Lot
- Uncover the hype and reality of AI in customer data platforms and why a broader AI framework is essential for maximizing its benefits. AI dominates trade shows, boardrooms and sales conversations. It's mentioned at nearly every event or webinar. With the potential of generative AI and other advanced AI models, the excitement is understandable. Customer data platforms (CDPs) are not immune from this hype and excitement. Since a CDP collects and consolidates customer data from many sources, AI's ... [Read More]

Source: martech.org

Customer Employees Experience Customers Store Tasks
- AI automates routine tasks, enabling employees to focus on strategic activities. (CX). By integrating AI, brands like Target, with its Store Companion, empower employees to This blend of AI and human expertise enables faster, more accurate service, attuned to individual customer needs. Consequently, employees are better equipped to craft experiences that build lasting This article explores AI's transformative role in CX through employee enablement, showcasing how technology and human creativity ... [Read More]

Source: cmswire.com

Security Sase Organizations Network Cloud Services
- The financial services industry has been at the forefront of the digital transformation age for some time. Agility and convenience are mandatory in this sector, and customers have expected reliable access to financial services at a moment's notice. Everything from basic transactions such as making transfers and payments, to more involved processes such as investments, loans and more, can now be completed online or with a mobile app. Growing the Attack Surface With Hybrid Working and Cloud ... [Read More]

Data Customer Cdp Platforms Marketing Party Data
- Is it a CDP you're looking for? Or will another martech application better suit your needs? From time to time, you'll see a story about what is and what is not a customer data platform (CDP) . It's a legit question. If I buy something that's labeled as soap, I want it to do what I expect soap to do.  In the same way, the label "customer data platform" should include some things and exclude others. Companies shouldn't call their product a CDP if it doesn't fit the requirements.  Having ... [Read More]

Source: martech.org