Event Info/New

- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems have dramatically transformed over the years. From the early days of handwritten notes and Rolodexes to the sophisticated AI-driven solutions we see today, CRM has become an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes. This article explores the history and development of CRM systems, highlighting significant milestones and technological advancements that have shaped this essential business tool. The Early Years: Rolodexes and Handwritten Notes ... [Read More]

Mach Services Banks Mach Architecture Architecture Microservices
- Financial institutions (FIs) can't meet the evolving needs of digital-first customers with traditional solutions and infrastructure.  That's why the finance industry must continually modernize the banking experience — and its relatively monolithic core architecture — to adapt to technological, behavioral and market disruptions. With the news Wednesday (June 12) that JPMorgan has joined the MACH Alliance , a not-for-profit industry body dedicated to advocating for open, ... [Read More]

Source: pymnts.com

Data Analytics Analysis Users Intelligence Learning
- Google , Intel , IBM , NVIDIA , Amazon , PwC , and the list can go on for the big brands adopting AI in data analysis.  How Is AI Used in Data Analysis? The term "artificial intelligence data analysis" refers to the application of data science and AI methods to improve data cleansing, inspection, and modeling. The ultimate aim is to find useful data that can back up conclusions and decisions. AI streamlines operations by automating repetitive tasks. Companies can save time and effort by ... [Read More]

Sales Automation Professionals Time Crm Sales Professionals
- Four Ways Automation Can Help Close A Sale Nikolaus Kimla is CEO of Pipeliner CRM , an innovative sales CRM solution designed by sales professionals for sales professionals. In the ever-competitive sales landscape, customer relationship management (CRM) platforms have become a critical tool for the professional salesperson's tech stack. Automation, especially, has become a game changer, streamlining processes and reducing room for error. According to McKinsey & Company, roughly a third of all ... [Read More]

Source: forbes.com

Shopping Data Experience Analysis Time Personalization
- Thursday, 13 Jun 2024 Contents Understanding Personalization in Online Marketplaces The Role of AI in Personalizing the Online Marketplace 1.   Data collection and analysis 2.   Machine learning algorithms 3.   Natural Language Processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis 4.   Predictive analytics 5.   Dynamic pricing strategies Challenges and Ethical Considerations Choose It or Lose It, but Know It First Do you sometimes feel like your favorite ... [Read More]

Martech Marketing Tools Marketers Data Software
- The martech industry is fast-growing, fast-evolving, and a bit overwhelming. A new tool crops up constantly. G2 data shows the number of products in the marketing software category grew by 15% in 2023. The famous martech map touts over 14,000 martech tools . There's just too much tech and not enough time to explore. But how do businesses decide which tools to use, how many they buy, and how many their marketing teams actually use? To discover the major trends in the martech landscape, G2 ... [Read More]

Source: learn.g2.com

Banking Systems Core Banks Technology Haney
- Digital banking architecture is having a moment. Financial technology companies and consumer-facing neobanks are using it to create new features, applications and customer experiences. Regulators are focused on it as they try to make sense of their potential involvement. And as its importance spreads beyond the chief technology officer, financial services executives need to become familiar with its changing structure if they want to understand the future of their business. The issue is ... [Read More]

Source: pymnts.com

Payment Customer Systems Payments Data Business
- The quest to understand customer behaviors spans decades.  Different schools of thought dominated in different eras — from Steve Jobs's quip that "A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them" to Jeff Bezos's "obsessive focus on the customer as opposed to obsession over the competitor."  Although polar in sentiment, these two statements speak of the same problem: the attitude-behavior gap.  As consumers, we often say one thing and do the ... [Read More]

Source: learn.g2.com

Voip Phone Calls Internet Communication Features
- Imagine a world without communication: business would grind to a halt, governments would be paralyzed, and even personal connections would be strained. Thankfully, communication has come a long way from drums, pigeons, and smoke signals. We take it for granted today, but crystal-clear voice calls, instant text messaging, and video chats across continents all rely on one powerful tool: voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). What is voice over internet protocol (VoIP)? Voice over Internet Protocol ... [Read More]

Source: learn.g2.com

- Digital transformation is more than just a trend; it is a strategic imperative for businesses aiming to stay competitive and become industry leaders. By integrating digital technology into all areas of an organization, companies can fundamentally change how they operate and deliver value to their customers. This process requires not only adopting new technologies but also fostering a culture of continuous innovation and agility . In this blog, we will explore various digital transformation ... [Read More]