Event Info/New

Chatbots Pymnts Services Customer Institutions Financial Institutions
- Move over, human tellers: artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots may be the new face of banking. As digital solutions continue to disrupt the industry, experts say these conversational AI systems are poised to slash costs and streamline operations while keeping customers engaged and satisfied.  With their ability to handle high volumes of routine inquiries, AI chatbots are making significant strides in improving customer service efficiency. Bank of America's virtual assistant, Erica , has ... [Read More]

Source: pymnts.com

- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems have evolved significantly over the past few years. As businesses become increasingly customer-centric, the demand for more sophisticated and integrated CRM solutions continues to rise. In 2024, the CRM landscape is poised for even more transformation, driven by technological advancements and changing business needs. The blog below will delve into the top CRM software development trends for 2024 that businesses should watch to stay ahead in the ... [Read More]

Erp Gen Companies Systems Tasks Erp Systems
- The integration of gen AI with ERP systems can save employee time, streamline business processes, and help expedite bill collection. Some even see an autonomous future for the old enterprise standby. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is ripe for a major makeover thanks to generative AI, as some experts see the tandem as a perfect pairing that could lead to higher profits at enterprises that combine them. The use of gen AI with ERP systems is still in its early days, but the combination is ... [Read More]

Source: cio.com

Work Business Software Order Management Businesses
- You know what they say is the best part of entrepreneurship? You get to choose the 80 hours per week you work.  Small businesses know a thing or two about constantly managing various roles. As the owner of one of the millions of small businesses worldwide, you are the C-suite, plus the employees on the ground keeping your production rolling. Part of working smarter, not harder, is implementing the right tools to optimize your team's efforts. Enter technology. From automation tools to AI ... [Read More]

Source: learn.g2.com

- In today's digital landscape, there is a plethora of data involved in all aspects of business operations, but without a strategic roadmap, it can become misinterpreted or misplaced. Continue reading as we delve into the world of data mapping, uncovering its significance in optimizing processes and steering businesses towards informed decision-making. What is Data Mapping Data mapping is the process of aligning or matching fields from one database or data source to another. It serves as a vital ... [Read More]

Cloud Computing Services Cloud Computing Security Customer
- Tuesday, 18 Jun 2024 Contents What is Cloud Computing? Improved Customer Experience Driving Digital Transformation in Finance Flexible scalability Better security Streamlining Operations Conclusion In the changing world of services, where adaptability, safety and growth are crucial, cloud computing has become a game changer. Both traditional banks and emerging fintech companies are increasingly utilizing the cloud to creativity streamline processes and enhance customer experiences. This piece ... [Read More]

Martech Data Apis Agents Apps Automation
- / / By / Take a guess at filling in the blank here: _______ is to AI Agents as Data is to AI Models The answer, as you likely surmised from my headline, is APIs . Let's discuss why… Data is the differentiation in AI models For the past year and a half, the hyper hype cycle of AI madness has agreed on only one clear truth: data will be your most strategic asset in the Age of AI . LLM AI engines from OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, Meta, et al., are ultra-powerful — but increasingly ... [Read More]

- Digital transformation is more than just a buzzword; it's a fundamental shift in how organizations leverage technology to improve business processes, deliver value to customers, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. The journey to digital transformation can be complex, but with a well-structured strategy, it becomes manageable and achievable. This blog will guide you through the steps to develop a digital transformation strategy, emphasizing the role of no-code and ... [Read More]

Data Analytics Analysis Users Intelligence Learning
- Google , Intel , IBM , NVIDIA , Amazon , PwC , and the list can go on for the big brands adopting AI in data analysis.  How Is AI Used in Data Analysis? The term "artificial intelligence data analysis" refers to the application of data science and AI methods to improve data cleansing, inspection, and modeling. The ultimate aim is to find useful data that can back up conclusions and decisions. AI streamlines operations by automating repetitive tasks. Companies can save time and effort by ... [Read More]

Martech Marketing Tools Marketers Data Software
- The martech industry is fast-growing, fast-evolving, and a bit overwhelming. A new tool crops up constantly. G2 data shows the number of products in the marketing software category grew by 15% in 2023. The famous martech map touts over 14,000 martech tools . There's just too much tech and not enough time to explore. But how do businesses decide which tools to use, how many they buy, and how many their marketing teams actually use? To discover the major trends in the martech landscape, G2 ... [Read More]

Source: learn.g2.com