Event Info/New

Cloud Companies Data Performance Equinix Business
- The digital revolution is reshaping the business landscape. The cloud, once a futuristic concept, is at its epicenter. Yet today's companies aren't satisfied with a single cloud; they're demanding the agility and flexibility of a multicloud strategy. This shift brings a new set of challenges. A recent roundtable and workshop organized by CDOTrends in partnership with Equinix examined these challenges and potential best practices. The senior IT leaders, hailing from key Hong Kong conglomerates, ... [Read More]

- In the rapidly evolving financial technology (fintech) sector, the demand for innovative and efficient customer support solutions is at an all-time high. As fintech companies strive to differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace, the integration of cutting-edge technologies and strategic outsourcing partnerships has become crucial. This shift is revolutionizing both front and back-office customer support, establishing new benchmarks for service quality and operational efficiency. ... [Read More]

Big Data Data Customer Analytics Services Institutions
- Saturday, 1 Jun 2024 Contents 1. Improved Decision-Making 2. Better Customer Experience 3. Cost Optimization 4. Enhanced Security The financial services sector is undergoing significant transformation and one of the primary reasons is the Big Data analytics. Companies are gaining valuable insights by utilizing vast amounts of data. They are capable in improving decision-making and simultaneously optimizing their operations. Let us explore here how the businesses in financial sector are ... [Read More]

Customer Businesses Processes Technology Leadership Approach
- Exploring what a composable architecture is, the critical role of leadership and the initial steps marketers can take to build a composable roadmap. Any marketer surely knows the value of being able to adapt quickly and efficiently to technological advances and changing market conditions. A composable marketing technology architecture offers a promising solution by allowing businesses to become more agile, resilient and customer-focused. ." Let's explore what a composable architecture is, the ... [Read More]

Source: cmswire.com

Cloud Casb Security Data Access Casbs
- A cloud access security broker manages access between enterprise endpoints and cloud resources from a security perspective. Here's what to consider when selecting the right CASB for your enterprise. Cloud access security brokers (CASBs) explained As the name suggests, a cloud access security broker (CASB) manages access between enterprise endpoints and cloud resources from a security perspective. CASBs can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud; as a hardware appliance or software-only, as a ... [Read More]

Contact Management Information Customer Contact Management Contact Information
- Contact management ensures accurate, organized and accessible information for effective communication and relationship building. Contact management is crucial for businesses as it centralizes and organizes information about customers, partners and suppliers. By maintaining a well-structured contact management system, companies can easily access and update contact details, interaction history and preferences. This centralization not only streamlines communication but also ensures that ... [Read More]

Ciam Identity Management Customer Authentication User
- Consider the following two stats: 86% of web app attacks in 2022 were due to stolen credentials according to the Verizon DBIR . 60% of US-based users said they gave up accessing an app in the last month because they forgot their password according to the FIDO Online Barometer Report . This shows the delicate balance organizations need to strike between security and user experience when considering customer authentication and identity management. Too much friction and users drop off, not enough ... [Read More]

Wan Sd Sd Wan Cloud Mpls Network
- When it comes to network performance, there is a key decision that will land in the lap of the CIO: MPLS or SD-WAN. Current industry trends lean toward SD-WAN but it's important to note that shiny object syndrome might not result in an optimal business outcome. Choosing a technology based on productivity rather than what seems like the most "innovative" or "modern" option is the surest path to a high-performing network. IT leaders should decide based on which approach to networking will support ... [Read More]

Source: cio.com

Sase Certification Security Solutions Services Sd Wan
- In today's dynamic landscape, the evolution of the digital economy serves as a compelling catalyst for organizations to revamp their networks, facilitate remote work, enhance cloud connectivity, reinforce cybersecurity, and maximize productivity. In particular, the shift to cloud computing and remote work has increased the need for secure access for any user from any device and any cloud to network resources. As a result, security and risk management leaders are adopting secure access service ... [Read More]

- Citizen developers are transforming the landscape of app development . These non-professional developers leverage low-code and no-code platforms to create applications without extensive programming knowledge. This democratization of app development enables businesses to innovate rapidly. With easy-to-use interfaces and drag-and-drop features, anyone with a creative idea can turn it into a functional application. This movement is breaking down the barriers traditionally associated with software ... [Read More]